Peach Maple Scape Baked Brie

Peach Maple Scape Baked Brie

Recipe developed and contributed by Maureen Gualtieri

As the calendar page turns, we find ourselves tumbling toward fall — but I’m nowhere near ready to let go of summer’s wonderful flavours yet! Luckily for me, DFC’s new chutneys have preserved the best local fruit at peak freshness, for precisely the time you have to Break Glass In Case Of Winter. In this recipe, DFC’s Peach Maple Scape chutney lends a sunny twist to a rich, cool weather favourite: baked brie. A goat milk brie goes especially well here, though you can use whichever soft ripened wheel of cheese that you fancy. Serve warm, to adoring friends or family at your next wine-and-cheese, and enjoy a slice of summer for a bit longer!

Peach Maple Scape Baked Brie

(Yield: 8 hors d’oeuvres sized servings)

1 200g wheel of goat milk brie

approx. 6 sheets of phyllo pastry, thawed

5 tbsp unsalted butter, melted

1 tbsp sesame seeds, for garnish

3 tbsp DFC’s Peach Maple Scape chutney


NB: You’ll also need about 12 inches of kitchen twine

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F, and line a small pan with parchment paper. Stack your six-ish sheets of phyllo and cut the stack in half along its width. (Fun fact: You can safely refreeze thawed phyllo! Thaw the whole thing to get the sheets you need, then wrap the rest in its packaging and pop it back in the freezer for the next time.) Keep the halves covered with a damp kitchen towel as you work.

Place one phyllo half on the parchment-lined baking sheet, and brush the surface with melted butter. Place another phyllo half on top, offset slightly (so the corners don’t match up), and brush with a bit more melted butter. Repeat with the rest of the phyllo halves, offsetting each a little bit more. (The edges should “fan” out evenly.)

After the last brushing with butter, centre the wheel of brie on the phyllo stack. Spoon the DFC’s Peach Maple Scape chutney over the top, trying not to let any escape down the sides. While keeping your twine handy,  carefully gather the phyllo in small folds over the chutney-topped brie, so the outside edges stick up like a dumpling or tissue-wrapped present. Tie the phyllo closed over the brie with the kitchen twine, and fluff the ends decoratively. Brush the whole package with a little more butter, and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

With a small square of tinfoil, construct a little dome and cover the standing-up phyllo edges with it, to help prevent them from browning too fast. Pop the whole thing into the oven, and bake for 45-50 minutes.

Once done, allow to cool for about 20 minutes, and serve cut in wedges — preferably with a big fresh salad, and/or a glass of your favourite vino!

The simplicity of this recipe belies its richness. The few things you’ll need are: Thawed phyllo sheets, a wheel of brie, butter, sesame seeds, and DFC’s new Peach Maple Scape chutney.
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