Garlic Chili Popcorn

Recipe developed and contributed by Maureen Gualtieri

Summer is great for theatrical blockbusters, but as the calendar turns towards fall and the evenings cool, nothing beats staying in and watching an old favourite all cozy on the couch. This month’s recipe is perfect accompaniment – a spicy, cheesy popcorn with the complex flavour of DFC’s Garlic Chili Crisp instead of the well-loved standby, butter. Enjoy with a rom-com, or if you’re one of those Spooky Season early-birds, a monster film or twenty!

Garlic Chili Popcorn

(Yield: 2 servings)

 1/2 c (80g) unpopped popcorn

3 tbsp (10g) nutritional yeast

1/8 tsp garlic powder

1/8 tsp onion powder

1/8 tsp white pepper

1/4 tsp smoked salt (like Maldon)

dash five spice powder

3 tbsp (27ml) oil from DFC’s Garlic Chili Crisp (some small bits in it is fine)

Pop your popcorn into a large bowl – an air popper is best, but if going with a stovetop use a bit of DFC’s Garlic Chili Crisp oil as your fat. While the popcorn does its thing, combine nutritional yeast, garlic powder, onion powder, white pepper, five spice, and salt in a mortar & pestle or spice mill. Grind until all ingredients are evenly powdered. Set aside.

Drizzle 1 tbsp of Garlic Chili Crisp oil over your popped popcorn, then toss thoroughly. Repeat twice more. Sprinkle a third of your flavouring powder over the popcorn, toss, and repeat twice. When your popcorn is completely covered in spicy deliciousness, fire up Netflix and dig in!

You’ll need a few things to throw together this movie night snack: Popcorn, nutritional yeast, onion powder, garlic powder, white pepper, five spice, smoked salt, and DFC’s Garlic Chili Crisp
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